
Her face to sitting and cum!

Isis Figueiredo , Karina
Duration 32 minutes
Quality FullHD
Category Facesitting F/F
Date Feb 21, 2013


Face: Is the front of the head, known as the face, where they meet the nose, eyes, mouth etc...The human face has many muscles, and each has one or more functions in it.1. Ear: In the ear located muscles called "atrial previous headset and headset Posterior Superior, which can be summarized as "Muscles headset". The ear of a slave, is to hear the many curses of the Dominatrix!2. Mouth: In the mouth are the zygomatic major and less muscles, which have the function of helping drive the mouth, upper lip lifters, which have the function of moving up the lip buccinator, which operates in chewing and moving cheeks, Orbicular the mouth, closing the lips, among others. the slave's mouth does not serve for anything! or rather, is to try to breathe, the mouth is one of the alternatives that she will try to stay conscious!3. Nose: In the nose, there are the following muscles:Nasal 3.1 - has the only function to dilate the nostrils and is divided into two parts, whose cross section is above the jaw and the side of the incisive fossa, and part Alar is located in the wing of the nose.3.2 procerus - has the function of acting on the front face of the fascia and lies on the bottom involving the nasal bone and the upper lateral nasal cartilage.3.3 Depressor septum - has the function of contracting the nostrils and is in the incisive fossa of the maxilla. The nose of a slave is the other alternative to stay conscious, and smell coming out of pussy and ass of dominatrix!Is there a summary of what may be a human face, now show them what we can do with this human face of a wretched slave. Isis Figueiredo used the face of the slave Karina to ecitar, rolled and rubbed her pussy on the face of the slave! That's what serves a human face!

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