SIMPLY A FANTASTIC MOVIE!!! Vicky is the queen of pacesetting and the prove is here… She really has pleasure to fuck a little face! First Anne Martinelli starts to sit and STIFLE Vicky, she want's to see Vicky very wet, after the STIFLE game, she start to shake her butt, ridding her pinky pussy on Vicky's face, doing a sexy facefuck... Now, Vicky's face is very wet and smelling of Anne's Pussy, Vicky is very excited and when she sits, she did her first cum… Now, Vicky is on the head of Anne, she can't breath and Vicky can't stop to sit and fuck. Vick ask to Anne be quiet and sniff her pussy, now, Vicky is about to cum again! and She don't think 2 times… She cum and smash her cum on Anne's face, Anne is STIFLED but excited, Vicky is masturbating her pussy and she is ready to cum again, yes AGAIN!!! and this last time, is a big orgasm, her body is trembling and wet, she is real tired…Here you'll see the real orgasm!