Angel Lima is a super sexy girl with a perfect body, her butt is big and rounded... perfect!!! Today she'll use her giant butt to give an unforgettable punishment for her stupid slave, but this punishment need to get pleasure for her, so she'll do a hot face fucking on the little Fefe. Angel is more strong than the fragile little Fefe, so is very easy for Angel bound to her slave to keep on the bed while she rubs the wet pussy on Fefe's face. With agressive and sexy moviments, Angel will satiating her pleasure HAVING PLEASURE of the slave's face... DEMEANING and sexy at the same time! Check out!
May 14, 2023One of my all-time favourites, this video. Angel Lima was at her best here, and Fefe did well to hang in there. Gosh, Fefe was soooo lucky to be there under her!
Sep 20, 2021very very hot please very hard domination manuela by angel lima angel very very hot
Mar 14, 2021please angel sitting on the face manuela and eating the pussy and rubbing the pussy on the face manuela to cry and manuela beg to breathe but angel lima slaps manuela because manuela is vety cute and beautiful and sexy so manuela has to scream and slap to cry. but angel lima veryyyyyyyyyyyyy sexy and beautifuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul